The next issue of the New York-based Marie Claire magazine has an expanded letters section slamming singer Ashlee Simpson for her beauty makeover.


In an interview two months ago, Jessica's younger sister blasted Hollywood's definition of beauty and said she wanted to help women and girls appreciate themselves the way they are, Yahoo Music News reported.

"Everyone is made differently, and that's what makes us beautiful and unique," she was quoted as saying. "I want girls to look in the mirror and feel confident."

But by the time the magazine came out, Simpson had altered the appearance of her face and was sporting blonde hair extensions. She has not admitted to having had a nose job.

Marie Claire Editor Joanna Coles said she received more than 1,000 letters from angry readers branding Simpson a hypocrite.


Some of the letters were so moving, Coles told Yahoo she decided to run more letters in the issue coming out Aug. 15 as well as the editorial comment: "We're dazed and confused -- and disappointed -- by (Simpson's) choice, too!"