JoJo Fletcher's journey to find love on The Bachelorette begins in only a few days, and now that filming has wrapped, the star herself is able to open up about it all.


When The Bachelorette premieres Monday, May 23 at 9PM ET/PT, fans will follow JoJo as she meets and dates 26 eligible suitors in the hope of finding her future husband. There will even be a "mystery man" making waves.

Preview clips of The Bachelorette's upcoming twelfth edition have already been released by ABC, and it appears JoJo will endure quite an emotional rollercoaster with romantic highs and devastating lows.

On Friday, JoJo talked to Reality TV World about her experience on The Bachelorette following her brutal split from The Bachelor's Season 20 star Ben Higgins.

Reality TV World: Was the struggle real for you when it came to trying to see past amazing chemistry? Do you feel you ever became a little blinded by lust during this journey, and if so, were the guys you were interested at the beginning of your journey different than the ones at the end once relationships grew deeper?


JoJo Fletcher: I can say that in the beginning of the season, there's definitely those few guys that you have this immediate connection with and this chemistry with. And I tried to remind myself not to get caught up in that. And there were a few surprises along the way!

Guys that I didn't even really notice that first night kind of snuck in and made a huge impression, and then there were other ones who started off really hot and sometimes plateaued a bit. So, it was very interesting to see how that whole thing worked out as the season progressed.

Reality TV World: At the beginning of the show, what factors -- such as maybe the distance the men live from Dallas, or their careers and past-relationship history -- were you focused on when trying to narrow down your search? And how did those factors become increasingly more or less important to you as the show progressed and you got to know the men better?

JoJo Fletcher: I think at the beginning, I didn't really pay much attention to those things. I really just paid attention to how that connection was developing, was there chemistry, was there passion, was there compatibility there?

And as we got further down the line, you start to ask those questions about past relationships and jobs and location. And I would say probably the most important thing for me out of those was finding out about what they've learned in their past relationships and how that's affected them. Because I've learned so much from my past relationships.


And then, you know, as far as location, when you think about who you want to spend the rest of your life with, that's obviously a conversation. But it's definitely not a dealbreaker. But it's definitely something that I think comes up often towards the end.

Below are several more highlights from JoJo's pre-season The Bachelorette call with reporters:

Can you honestly say you walked away from your two appearances on The Bachelor franchise without regrets?

JoJo Fletcher: I don't regret anything. A part of my experience with Ben last season, it was a definite heartbreak, but I learned so much from it. I learned what I deserve and what type of man I would want as my husband. And coming into this season, Ben set a good standard for what I would want -- if not more -- and the type of man you'd picture in your life for the rest of your life.

Okay, so no regrets. But could you think of something maybe you would've handled or done differently if you got a do-over?


JoJo Fletcher: I honestly don't think so. I think there were maybe situations I could've done better at, but overall, I did exactly what I felt like I needed to do in every situation, and I don't regret anything.

Going into the show, what was your biggest fear?

JoJo Fletcher: I think my biggest fear coming into this, I think I had two fears. Well, one I was more worried about. I was very nervous about having to go through that breaking-up process, because I have never broken up with somebody in my entire life, and that's something I didn't know how to do. I knew that it would be very difficult for me.

But I also think that I was scared that maybe heartbreak was going to happen again, because you know, everyone thinks that when you're on this side of it, you're in total control. And yes, well, you're definitely in the driver seat. But it's not a one-way street and that fear of it not working out kind of is always in the back of your head.

If things go the way we all hope they go, would you want to get married right away or would you want a longer engagement?


JoJo Fletcher: Honestly, going into this, I always said, "This is a crazy, whirlwind experience. And after this, if it works out, I want to enjoy my time with the person that I'm with." I definitely wouldn't want a crazy, long engagement, but I would want enough time just to enjoy that next year with the person that I'm with and to really spend time with him and have a normal life with him outside of this.

What about kids?

JoJo Fletcher: I definitely want kids and can't wait to have a family, but at the same time, I can wait in a sense that I'm 25. I want to really enjoy these next couple of years with whoever I'm with -- if I'm with somebody -- and just kind of see where life takes us. I don't have anything really planned out. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't right away, it doesn't. I'd kind of go at it one step at a time.

Check Reality TV World's The Bachelorette 12 webpage for more from JoJo Fletcher's pre-season interview.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.