Another reality show, another police record. reports that Jed Hildebrand of "Survivor: Thailand," a 25-year-old Texas resident, was convicted last year of DWI.


After Hildebrand was spotted making an illegal U-turn, officers pulled over his car and, according to a Dallas Police Department report, noticed that a wobbly Hildebrand's speech was slurred, his eyes were bloodshot, and his breath smelled of alcohol. After refusing a Breathalyzer, the dental student flubbed the alphabet test, mistakenly placing "G" after "O." And he didn't fare too well on a subsequent counting test, which was filmed back at the station.

Instead of copping a plea to the October 1999 DWI charge, Hildebrand opted for a trial in Dallas County Criminal Court, where a jury found him guilty last August of drunk driving. Hildebrand, who is appealing his conviction, was sentenced to 120 days in jail, fined $750, and ordered to perform 80 hours of community service and attend an alcohol education class. The jail stretch will be suspended as long as Hildebrand--who recently worked as a Christian missionary in India--stays out of trouble for two years.