Alexandria Everett became the eighth girl eliminated from America's Next Top Model all-stars edition's eighth episode during Wednesday night's broadcast on The CW.


On Thursday, the 22-year-old who previously appeared on Top Model's sixteenth season, talked to Reality TV World about her America's Next Top Model experience -- including whether she felt she was losing her competitive edge, why she believed her personality came across much different this time around in that she avoided drama and arguments with the other girls, and how she responded to Bianca Golden's "out of all the girls here, I'm the model" comment.

Below is the second half our exclusive interview with Alexandria. Click here to read the first portion.

Reality TV World: During that same panel critique after the bar fight photo shoot, Tyra Banks told you she thought you were losing your competitive edge and were giving them "soft." Would you agree with the judges that you were losing a little of your fight in the competition or would you disagree? Do you think you were just a little less confident this time around on Top Model because all the girls competing were considered all-stars?

Alexandria Everett: Well, no, because I considered myself an all-star and I was meant to be there because of my fans, and I really wanted to prove to them why I wanted to be there and why I was there.


It was all tough to handle what they were throwing at us. I wasn't trying to say earlier that we're not. It was just a little confusing because we were told it's all of these things, but at the same time, it was kind of like a three-ring circus. Do you get what I'm saying?

Being told that I'm losing my competitive edge, it's like being told -- being told you're losing your competitive edge in a competition is like, "Absolutely not." In that shoot, I tried so hard and we were actually told that we were doing well, and we were actually doing what Mr. Jay [Jay Manuel] wanted us to do.

He wanted us to scream and react and give that expression and give that "ugly pretty" look. It's kind of -- I definitely wouldn't say I was trying to lose my competitive edge and I definitely didn't, because I was definitely striving in that shoot. I worked my tail off and also, [Bre Scullark] did.

We were being watched by all of the girls because of "how well we were doing what Mr. Jay said." It was very funny to see, I guess, the other side. It was ultimately a great lesson, (laughs) because Bre and I learned a lot and Bre and I worked really, really hard that day.

I definitely didn't know that Coco was getting screamed in her ear, but at the same time, we were being told that we did "well." It was a fun day and Bre knows that everything happens when it does for a reason, and I feel that's how we all feel when we get eliminated. We don't really know when we're going to get eliminated.


Reality TV World: You seemed to come across as a different person to viewers this cycle in comparison to your first time on the show. You weren't involved in much drama and steered clear from arguments in the house, as you also seemed to really get along with basically all the girls. Do you feel like there was a change in you and if so, what sparked the change? Did you go into the competition maybe wanting to improve your reputation and image or was it something else?  

Alexandria Everett: It definitely wasn't, I would say, a change. It was just the side that they didn't see from last time and maybe it was just the way things were edited last time. I'm definitely a giving -- I'm probably the most giving person and I want the best for everyone and I always want to help others.

I'm also that person that wants to be strong and confident and show others that they can do whatever their dreams may be and that they, no matter what they've been through, they can overcome it and conquer those hurdles that are in front of them as obstacles and really strive to be the best that they can be -- no matter what hardships have come their way.

I live by that everyday, so I don't want to say that I've changed in any way. I just want to say that my fans who are maybe the people that have argued and didn't really like me so much from Cycle 16 have changed their minds because they have seen that side of me. I don't think that I've changed in any way.

They just didn't really see that side the last time maybe because of the other girls and how they needed to be so negative in the way that they were, because I think that they drew unnecessary attention and unnecessary grounds.


Reality TV World: Viewers just saw you have one short argument with Bianca, but when I talked to her last week, she said your fight actually took place at the beginning of the season -- even though it was edited to have taken place in the more recent episodes -- and you girls ended up solving your issues. What actually started that fight and how did it get resolved?

Alexandria Everett: We, I don't even really remember. I think it was over a shower. (Laughs) It was over the silliest things, you know what I mean? We're all locked in a house with a yard and a couples buses is what we get to experience.

We don't even get to read a newspaper, so it was a late night and it was a shower. It was resolved, I think, within an hour. I don't think it was even a big deal. It was so meaningless and minor that there's little things that happen and the editing world is amazing.

So, they can clip and post and say whatever they want whenever they want and make it seem like that's how it really went down. But you know, speaking and talking with all the girls, it's really like, I'm sorry but we know how it was and what we went through and we all have each other's backs. So, it's not even (laughs) -- it's so minor that it's not even important.

Reality TV World: During the Express photo shoot towards the beginning of the season, Bianca told Jay, "Out of all these girls here, I'm the model." When I just talked to Bianca, she said she still felt the same way and wouldn't take that back -- calling the other girls in the house just simply "reality TV stars." When I talked to Kayla Ferrel last week, she kind of backed Bianca up on that statement for the most part and understood why she said it. What's your reaction to Bianca's comment?


Alexandria Everett: Well, I have really no reaction to Bianca's comment, but I'll make my own comment. My comment is that I'm sorry, but the last time I checked, we're all pretty much six-feet tall, 120-pound models. Last time I checked, I was in Cosmo. We've all done it. We've all done runway. We've all done print. We're all models, but if she just wants to be a model, then she can be the model.

We're just not reality TV stars. I was a model before I was even on reality TV. So, I think that's unfair to even say like, "Oh, I'm just a model." No, no, no, no, no. I'm not just a model. I'm a professional person in the modeling industry and I've worked very hard for my name, and again, the last time I checked, I'm about six-feet tall, 120 pounds and I'm a model.

So, I feel like we were all about that height in that house and then we were models. That's unfair to even say, I feel like. I'm a person where I feel like maybe -- I can maybe say this as well, I'm sorry but I'm a very positive person and I want the best for everybody.

As long as you pass around a positive energy, positiveness will come your way. We were all six-feet tall, 120 pounds, beautiful, young, driven women, and for anyone to single themselves out and say that they're different is complete nonsense.

I feel like if we all were to stick up for each other and stand together and be there for each other, we would all succeed so much more rather than, "I'm going to be on top," and "I'm going to be this," and "I'm going to be that." It's like, "No, I'm sorry, but it's so lonely on top by yourself."

And maybe one day, the people that feel that way will learn that, but for me, I like being around positive people and around people that have dreams and drive and want to succeed in the best way possible. So, I'm going to surround myself with that and everyone in the house, again, were beautiful, strong, driven, six-foot tall, 120 pounds, beautiful models. I think that's the best remark that can be said on that.

Reality TV World: During the premiere episode, you heard boo's from the crowd once you walked down the runway at the live judging panel. You heard one man in particular swear at you. Tyra ended up telling you that the judges wondered whether they made a mistake casting you for the all-stars edition. Did that hit a nerve with you? Would you agree that it's better to be hated and loved when you're a star than have fans be indifferent to you?

Alexandria Everett: Well, I feel like that was the first time that I ever had a real negative feedback from a fan like that -- in that manner as well. I feel like it was also antagonized, so I don't feel like it was fair.

At the same time, I'm sorry but if my fans didn't want me there, they wouldn't have called me to invite me back. I'm sorry, but at the same time, it is good to be loved and hated because the people that hate on people really have something that they love about that person.

Like I feel about all the girls in the house, I love so many things about all of the girls. But there are some things that are annoying like a little sister or a big sister would have. I feel like that's just the way the cookie crumbles. You have to love and hate some things about some people, but the things that you hate about somebody, make you love them as well. So, I don't think it's a bad thing.

Reality TV World: What are your plans for the near future?


Alexandria Everett: Just keep building my book and continue my acting lessons and continue -- I wish there was another season of Fashion Week coming up, but there's not. I have to wait, which really is unfortunate, because I am going to be waiting like a child on Christmas for it. (Laughs) But that's just me wanting to work, but yeah -- building my book, getting my agencies and just working.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.