Big Brother houseguest Paul Abrahamian won the Power of Veto and was replaced by Bridgette Dunning on the chopping block heading into Season 18's second eviction during Wednesday night's broadcast on CBS.


Paul, a 23-year-old clothing designer from Tarzana, CA, won the Power of Veto competition and decided to remove himself from the block. As a result, the season's first Big Brother Roadkill competition winner, Frank Eudy (Season 14), had to name a replacement nominee among the vulnerable houseguests for eviction, and that person was Bridgette, a 24-year-old traveling nurse who currently resides in Ventura, CA.

The Big Brother broadcast began three newbie players on the chopping block -- Paul; Jozea Flores, a 25-year-old makeup artist who currently resides in Los Angeles, CA; and Cody Calafiore's brother Paulie Calafiore, a 27-year-old deejay from Howell, NJ.

Jozea was convinced Michelle Meyer, a 23-year-old nutritionist from Washington Township, MI, had won the Roadkill competition based on her sketchy behavior at the Nomination Ceremony, but he was wrong. Jozea was also extremely confident he could stay in the game and get everyone onboard with voting Paulie out since he had a dangerous connection to the veteran players.

Meanwhile, Paul no longer trusted Bridgette because she was getting all buddy-buddy and flirty with Paulie. Paul made Victor Arroyo, a 25-year-old gym manager from Slidell, LA; Bronte D'Acquisto, a 26-year-old student who currently resides in Denver, CO; and Natalie Negrotti, a 26-year-old event coordinator who currently resides in Franklin Park, NJ, suspicious of her too.


The three girls, however, had previously formed a "Spy Girls" alliance. Bronte and Natalie discussed going after Paulie even though they thought he was really hot and nice to look at.

This week's Head of Household Nicole Franzel, a 23-year-old ER nurse from Ubly, MI who previously competed on Big Brother 16, then announced the players needed to be picked for the upcoming Power of Veto competition.

In addition to Nicole, the three nominees would play as well as two people picked randomly through a draw. Da'Vonne Rogers (Season 17) was selected to play, and when Nicole picked her own name out of the bag, she asked Corey Brooks, a 25-year-old baseball coach from Dallas, TX, to participate.

James Huling (Season 17) and Frank celebrated the PoV players, thinking they had a clear advantage to win with having members of their "Eight Pack" alliance competing. Frank, however, also acted like a great friend to Jozea so that his target wouldn't suspect anything.

For the PoV competition, the houseguests were required to dress up like dogs, spin around a pole 15 times, and then stack as many dog bones as possible on their doghouse in 45 seconds before sliding through a tunnel and running back to the start where they must hit a buzzer. The players had to do this over and over again until all 40 treats were sturdily stacked.


In the end, Paul won and Jozea was happy about it. After the competition, Tiffany Rousso -- a 32-year-old high school teacher who currently resides in Palm Beach Gardens, FL and is secretly the sister of Big Brother 17 houseguest Vanessa Rousso -- bonded with Paulie over the fact their siblings had played the game before them. Paulie said in the Diary Room it was nice to have another ally, especially since he was on the block.

The house was getting pretty annoyed with Jozea at this point, who thought he was running the show and even called himself the "Messiah of the Newbies." Because he's so observant, he was convinced nothing could get past him. Jozea wanted to work with Frank, but Frank secretly couldn't wait to get rid of him.

Once it became time for the PoV meeting, Paul took himself off the chopping block, and Frank named Bridgette his replacement nominee. Going into Thursday night's eviction, it appears the "Eight Pack" are going after Jozea.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.