Richard Mellon Scaife

Richard Mellon Scaife Brief Biography

Richard Mellon Scaife (born July 3, 1932) is an American billionaire, a principal heir to the Mellon banking, oil, and aluminum fortune, and the owner and publisher of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. In 2005 Scaife was the 238th entry on the Forbes 400, with a personal fortune of $1.2 billion.

Scaife is also known for his financial support of conservative public policy organizations over the past four decades. He has provided support for conservative and libertarian causes in the U.S., mostly through the private, nonprofit foundations he controls: the Sarah Scaife Foundation, Carthage Foundation, and Allegheny Foundation, and until 2001, the Scaife Family Foundation, now controlled by his daughter Jennie and son David. Scaife also helped fund the Arkansas Project, a campaign to investigate Bill Clinton's past business and personal affairs.

Full Richard Mellon Scaife Biography


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