Jessica Brown Findlay

Jessica Brown Findlay Brief Biography

Jessica Brown Findlay (born 14 September 1989) is an English actress, best known for playing Lady Sybil Crawley in ITV's Downton Abbey and Emelia Conan-Doyle in the British comedy-drama Albatross. In 2013 Brown Findlay is due to star as Beverly Penn in the film adaptation of Mark Helprin's 1983 novel Winter's Tale. and Paul McGuigan's Frankenstein remake.

Full Jessica Brown Findlay Biography


Jessica Brown Findlay News

• BBC to air 'Hamlet' starring Andrew Scott and Jessica Brown Findlay
• Colin Farrell: Eva Marie Saint was 'a dream' to work with
• 'Winter's Tale' movie to open in North America in February

More Jessica Brown Findlay News

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