90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?'s Tell All kicked off with Angela Deem claiming Michael Ilesanmi was "using" her and had "made a fool" of her, Rob Warne and Sophie Sierra "hanging out again," Liz Woods debuting her new boyfriend, and Jasmine Pineda revealing a startling "discovery" about Gino Palazzolo during the Season 8 episode that aired Sunday night on TLC.
The cast also included Sophie Sierra and Rob Warne, Ashley Michelle and Manuel Velez, Gino Palazzolo and Jasmine Pineda, and Nicole Sherbiny and Mahmoud Sherbiny.
90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? featured married couples trying to make their relationships work in America following the K-1 visa process, except for Liz and Ed, who had begun the season as engaged Americans.
90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? documented the cast navigating the highs and lows in their relationship from managing significant cultural differences to working through turbulent family dynamics.
For the first time in franchise history, the cast of 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? were all asked to sleep in the same house in New Jersey while the five-part Tell-All event filmed in New York City over the course of four days.
Nicole and Mahmoud did not participate in the Tell All. The couple last appeared on the show in May, and their departure from the 90 Day Fiance series came shortly after Mahmoud's February 2024 arrest on domestic violence charges.
Below is what happened on 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?'s Tell-All Part 1 for Season 8.
When Jasmine moved into the cast's house, she was rocking her Miss Latina International sash from the beauty pageant she had competed in.Jasmine vented to the cameras about how she had a "miserable" marriage and was living a "miserable" life. She refused to sleep in the same bed with Gino unless he agreed to have sex with her, but Gino replied, "You can't force that on me."
Jasmine couldn't believe Gino viewed sex with her in that light because she had been his wife for about a year already.
"We don't even sleep together right now in our house," Gino explained.

The morning of filming the Tell-All, Jasmine and Gino got into a silly fight while they were getting dressed because Jasmine said Gino had entered her room and was "super rude" to her. Gino, in turn, called his wife selfish and disrespectful.
Gino said Jasmine's attitude was exactly why he wasn't sleeping with her, and he vented about how his wife treated him like "dirt."
Once the Tell-All began filming, Jasmine said she still loved Gino but he always seemed to have a problem with her, whether it was about money or something else. She admitted their relationship was "very bad" at the moment.
Jasmine said she had passed the test to receive her driver's license but Gino hadn't helped her at all with it.
Gino insisted, however, he had filed the paperwork for Jasmine's adjustment of status in the United States. He had filed for Jasmine's permanent residency, and so she was waiting for her work authorization. The green card would eventually follow that.
Gino said Jasmine didn't give him any credit for everything he had done for her.
"It took him almost eight months to apply for it, after our marriage," Jasmine complained.
Ashley said, in Gino's defense, the paperwork was "a lot of work" to complete, but Loren understood how Jasmine was craving a sense of independence.
Jasmine then claimed she and Gino had gone eight months without having sex, but Gino said it had only been five months. Jasmine also alleged she had never seen Gino "completely naked" before. She said Gino even wore underwear in the bathtub.
Additionally, Jasmine said Gino made her feel like she was "harassing" him by trying to be intimate with him. She also told Shaun that she had recently caught Gino looking at "sugar baby pornography."
Jasmine alleged Gino was looking at porn videos made by a woman who gets paid to have sex.
ED and LIZ
Ed and Liz arrived at the cast's living quarters separately after their nasty split.Jasmine told Liz that she thought Ed was "an ugly person" on the "inside and out," and Liz admitted that she'd probably want to throw her shoe at her ex-fiance upon seeing him again six months after their breakup.
"It's our final breakup," Liz insisted to her fellow cast members. "Everyone seems really supportive."
When Ed finally showed up, he hugged Liz and immediately started crying. Ed told Liz that she looked "great" and he missed her.
Liz broke down into tears and said, "Despite all the animosity I feel towards you, when I'm with you, it's like we're back to our old self."
Ed apologized to Liz in tears, but Liz replied, "Don't do that."
Ed claimed he was there to support Liz and he wanted the world to see "a different Ed."
Jasmine believed that Ed was crying "crocodile tears" because he was scared for the cast to put him on blast for how he had treated his ex-fiancee, but Patrick suggested that maybe Ed was trying to get laid during this cast reunion.
Ed claimed he was "back at church" and wasn't dating anybody, but Liz disputed his claim, arguing that he had been "on a dating app within one month" of her leaving his house in Arkansas.
Ed said he joined a dating app because there was nothing to do in Arkansas but he hadn't gone on a date with anybody.
After Ed and Liz rehashed their sides of the silly "taco pasta" fight that broke their relationship, Ed accused Liz of losing her temper and becoming "unglued" in front of his family, which left him feeling "embarrassed."
Ed claimed he had hid Liz's temper from his loved ones and he couldn't change who she is.
"[Her] temper is why I called off our wedding, not because of taco pasta," Ed announced.
Liz recalled how she had caught Ed hugging another woman one night when they were still together, and Ed said three women were hanging all over him but he didn't even realize it at the time.
Ed said he didn't know who these women were, and Liz joked about how Ed couldn't pay a woman enough to touch him.
Ashley pointed out how Liz "deserved a conversation" before he called off their wedding, and Ed appeared to agree.
Liz's mother Patty then joined the former couple on the stage, and Patty confessed, "I still want to kill him!... He treats her like crap, like, she's his doormat or his punching bag!"
Angela voiced how Liz still seemed to be in love with Ed. Liz admitted she and Ed had a lot of history and love doesn't just disappear; however, she's no longer "in love" with him.
"Liz I do love you. I didn't call off the wedding because I don't love you, and it was hard," Ed explained.
Jayson told Ed that he was never going to be able to hurt or disrespect Liz again. Jayson also said Liz never screamed or yelled at him during the couple of arguments they had.
"She completes me. I just want to see her happy -- no more crying or anything like that," Jayson declared of his girlfriend.
Ed wished Liz and Jayson the best, but he warned Jayson that Liz has "issues" he's going to have to deal with.
"Everybody has issues, and it's not just me. [Jayson] is going to have his issues too," Liz snapped back.
Liz also revealed that her sex life with Jayson was "nice" and she never "faked it" once in their four-month relationship.
"I want a future with him," Liz concluded. "We are moving [in together] in a couple months."
Patty told Ed that he was going to hell if he didn't change and she pitied him.
Rob and Sophie actually arrived to the cast's house together in the same car. Rob said his dynamic with Sophie had been "down for a while," but they were clearly getting along and trying to figure things out.Sophie revealed that she and her estranged husband were "hanging out again," but she apparently didn't want to put a label on their relationship.
Rob, meanwhile, claimed he and Sophie weren't having sex but they had "great chemistry" and were trying to see if they could "salvage" their connection.
Sophie admitted she was to blame at one point for the lack of intimacy in her marriage but Rob was at fault lately.
Sophie planned to tell her side of the story, and she noted how she and Rob may ultimately just leave as friends.
Once the Tell-All began filming, Rob revealed he didn't sleep in the same room with Sophie the previous night.
Patrick and Thais' relationship was going well, and Patrick had an inkling they were going to be the healthiest couple at the Tell-All.Patrick shared with Gino and Kobe how he'd like to have more children with Thais.
Emily was eight months pregnant at the time the Tell-All filmed. She joked about how she was "about to pop."Jasmine and Thais took care of Emily's needs since the women know exactly what it's like to be pregnant.
Ashley and Manuel were still together, but she didn't know how long the peace was going to last.When Ashley saw that Emily was pregnant, she jokingly asked Manuel to put a baby into her as well.
Manuel also revealed to the guys in the cast how he and Ashley were having "mucho sex."
Angela and Michael reunited with the cast minutes before the Tell-All was about to film in New York. Michael, who arrived before Angela, said he and Angela didn't sleep at the house the night before because they had a "private" misunderstanding.ADVERTISEMENT
When Angela finally arrived at the Tell-All, she told Ed that nothing was what she had imagined it would be with Michael living in the United States with her. They had slept in separate rooms the night prior.
"I don't trust him," Angela told Ed backstage.
"I just wish I never brought him here. He's making a f-cking fool out of me... He's been rushing me for a license and rushing me for a green card, and it's like, 'I won't do it b-tch!'"
When Angela and Michael sat onstage together, she told her husband to get out of her sight.
"Do I make my f-cking self clear?" Angela asked. "Because you ain't going to have time to make these people think I'm the bad one no f-cking more... He is not going to do 'the nice guy' to y'all in front of me no more."
Angela then yelled at Michael for sleeping in the living room and not having sex with her for two months.
"You knew me for seven years. You got all these people out there in the g-ddamn world thinking I'm a b-tch and I'm a good-hearted motherf-ck-r," Angela shouted.
"You've been a piece of sh-t. You cheated on me, your g-ddamn b-tch is somewhere in New Jersey. Is that why you're sleeping in a f-cking different room?!... Go home!"
Ed was convinced that Michael was "using" Angela and she was unfortunately "on the hook" for him financially, but Rob thought Angela was treating her husband poorly.
When the Tell-All started filming, Angela said he was going to defend himself.
"That's what he does best. He'll lie and he'll take that lie to the grave," Angela said, adding how Michael spent seven years lying to her.
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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski