"People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) released a statement today that the organization is in touch with lawyers in Australia to see if the slaughter of the wild pig on 'Survivor: The Australian Outback' by Kucha tribe member Michael Skupin may have been a criminal act."

"In 1925, Australia passed its Animal Protection Act, making it illegal to torture, mistreat, or bait any animal, or to instigate such acts," said a PETA spokesperson. "If Mark Burnett and CBS orchestrated this act by placing a tame pig on the scene, or separating a wild pig from her family group by helicopter, or otherwise baiting or corralling this pig so she could be attacked, Burnett and CBS and others on the set are also likely to have violated the criminal code."

PETA's U.S. attorneys have contacted CBS to request copies of all the tapes of the incident and events leading up to it.

"We want to know how many times the animal was stabbed before she died, because it seems that death did not come quickly."